Learn Bridge

Bridge lessons for beginners are FREE.

At Crockfords we are pleased to offer a series of 10 beginners lessons for free. These lessons will  provide you with a good basic understanding of the game, and will instill an enthusiasm and love for Bridge – the ultimate of card games!

Want to know more?

There are a number of good players at the club who can help you on your journey to playing better Bridge. Don’t be shy. Ask them for help. Your convenor will point you in their direction. When you get better you also might like to help a new player not as far along the way as you.


We have a collection of excellent bridge books that you are welcome to borrow.


beginner crockfords

These free lessons are aimed not only at those who have never played before, but also anyone who would like a refresher course in the basics.


We follow the standard NZ Bridge teaching materials so everyone learns the same system throughout New Zealand.


If you would like to register for one of our future classes, please contact the office.


Mondays: 12 February 2024 – Monday 13 May 2024
Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm approximately


Wednesdays:  5 June 2024  –  Wednesday 21 August 2024
Time:  12:30pm  –  2:30pm


Mondays:  5 August 2024  –  Monday 21 October 2024
Time:  7:00pm – 9:30pm approximately

Features of the Crockfords Beginners classes

You’ll make friends, and one friend in particular – your partner.


You’ll enjoy social time with a group of like-minded people.


As bridge is great brain food, you will improve your strategy skills and memory.



You will learn a new and different ‘language’ in order to communicate with your partner and understand what the opposition is saying.


You and your partner will learn strategies for making the most of your cards compared to all the other pairs who play the same hands.


These lessons are aimed at those who have played for a year or two.


However they are often beneficial to players of much greater experience who want to improve their card play, extend their playing technique, or keep up with modern bidding trends.


Typically the block of improvers’ lessons is run once a year, each lesson held fortnightly. Dates for future classes will be advised in the weekly notices.

218 Riccarton Road, Christchurch