Conduct and Etiquette

Bridge is a game where the only legal way to pass information to partner is by the bids you make and the cards you play.  Information must not be given illegally by bidding hesitations, how you write the bid, how you play a card, or by any mannerism or comment.  Strive always to make all bids and plays at an even tempo and without variation in demeanour.

A player should maintain a courteous attitude towards his/her partner and opponents. Avoid any remark or action that might cause annoyance or embarrassment, or might interfere with the enjoyment of the game.

Players should refrain from

Varying the formulae used to make a bid.


Passing or doubling with exceptional haste or reluctance.


Making a call with undue delay which may result in conveying improper information to a partner.

Indicating approval or disapproval of partner’s call or play.


Making a remark or gesture, or asking a question from which an inference may be drawn.


Giving unauthorised information as to an incident of the auction or play.


Volunteering information which should be given only in response to a question.


Requesting, except for their own benefit, a review of the bidding or a review of cards played to a trick.

Attracting attention to the score, except when necessary to do so for their own information.


Calling attention to the number of tricks needed to complete or defeat the contract.


Playing a card with special emphasis.


Playing with undue delay when the play does not need consideration.


Detaching a card from their hand before it is their turn to play.


Arranging the cards in their hand in such a manner that their partner may draw inference from such an arrangement.


Watching the place in a player’s hand from which they draw a card and drawing any inference from this.

Making gratuitous comments during the play as to the auction, the adequacy of the contract or the nature of the hand.



It is reprehensible to profit by information gained as the result of an irregularity made by one’s own side for which no penalty is prescribed.

Alerting Procedures

An essential principle of the game of Bridge is that you may not have undisclosed agreements with your partner in respect of your bidding or your card play.  Any such agreements must be fully disclosed to your opponents.


Alerting your opponents has three distinct strands:

Announcing: for 1NT state the HCP range (eg 12-14), for 1C state the minimum length and strength if more than 12HCP (eg minimum 0-4 clubs) or 16+HCP.

During the auction: alert all conventional bids by circling the bid on the bid-pad. Do not alert any Doubles, Redoubles, Cue bids or any bids beyond 3NT as they are all deemed to be self-alerting.

Delayed alerts: when the auction is over, alert any self-alerting bid that may have an unexpected or unusual meaning unless a meaning has already been requested by an opponent.

Recorders – Philippa Borlase, Jill Crossland and Keith Mabin.

A Recorder is an experienced player who mediates in situations where there is a dispute between members in relation to conduct and etiquette that is outside the responsibility of the session’s Director. It is usually dealt with by counselling /education.

Open Duplicate

Open duplicate matches will be held as set out in the programme.
Members must make themselves conversant with the rules and conditions of play affixed to the club notice board.